Mjesec kibernetičke sigurnosti u A1

Posebne ponude sigurnosnih rješenja do 31. listopada 2023.

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A1 Automatsko penetracijsko testiranje

Otkrijte sve slabosti vašeg sustava i zaštitite se od napada
Jednostavnom upotrebom platforma sveobuhvatno pokriva sve površine za napad te identificira pravi rizik.
Svedite troškove i ovisnost o uslugama ispitivanja od trećih strana na najmanju moguću mjeru.

 Dubinska provjera sigurnosnih pravila i alata uz simulaciju stvarnih napada
 Kategorizacija i opis otkrivenih ranjivosti
 Dostupni detaljni izvještaji odmah po završetku testiranja


33% POPUSTA na Black-box testiranje na 50 do 500 IP adresa


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Zatražite ponudu
An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> item.redTextBeforeTitle  [in template "10113#11634844#1227733766" at line 46, column 62]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #if item.redTextBeforeTitle.getData()...  [in template "10113#11634844#1227733766" at line 46, column 57]
1<#assign liferay_theme = PortletJspTagLibs["/META-INF/liferay-theme.tld"] /> 
2<#assign portlet  = PortletJspTagLibs["/META-INF/liferay-portlet.tld"] /> 
3<@liferay_theme["defineObjects"] /> 
4<@portlet["defineObjects"] /> 
5<#assign today = .now?string('yyyy-MM-dd')?date('yyyy-MM-dd') /> 
7<div class="container"> 
9	<div class="PromoCardWrapper py-16" id="promoCard-${randomNamespace}"> 
10		<#list title.getSiblings() as item> 
11			<#assign do_render = ((item.date_from.getData()?has_content)?then(today gte item.date_from.getData()?date('yyyy-MM-dd'), true)) && ((item.date_to.getData()?has_content)?then(today lte item.date_to.getData()?date('yyyy-MM-dd') ,true))> 
12			<#if do_render> 
13				<#assign card_reverse_class = "" /> 
14				<#if item.visual_view_side.getData() == "right" > 
15					<#assign card_reverse_class = "PromoCard--Reverse" /> 
16				</#if> 
18				<#assign promo_custom_class= "" /> 
19				<#if item.visual_width.getData() != "" || item.content_width.getData() != "" > 
20					<#assign promo_custom_class= "PromoCard--Custom" /> 
21				</#if> 
22				<div class="PromoCard PromoCard--Split ${promo_custom_class} ${card_reverse_class}"> 
23					<#assign has_video = item.video_embed.getData() != "" || item.video.getData() != "" /> 
24					<#assign has_picture = item.photo_desktop.getData() != "" || item.photo_mobile.getData() != "" /> 
25					<#if has_video || has_picture> 
26						<div class="PromoCard-Visual" style="width: ${item.visual_width.getData()}px;"> 
27							<#if has_video> 
28								<#if item.video_embed.getData() != "" > 
29									<iframe class="PromoCard-Visual-Element" src="${item.video_embed.getData()}" frameborder="0" 
30											allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" 
31											allowfullscreen></iframe> 
32								<#else> 
33									<video class="PromoCard-Visual-Element" loop="" autoplay="" playsinline="" muted="" 
34										   src="${item.video.getData()}"></video> 
35								</#if> 
36							<#else> 
37								<img class="PromoCard-Visual-Element d-none d-md-block" src="${fetchCDNLink(item.photo_desktop.getData())}" alt="${item.photo_title.getData()}" title="${item.photo_title.getData()}"> 
38								<img class="PromoCard-Visual-Element d-md-none" src="${fetchCDNLink(item.photo_mobile.getData())}" alt="${item.photo_title.getData()}"> 
39							</#if> 
41						</div> 
42					</#if> 
44					<div class="PromoCard-content Info-box p-8 bg-white" style="width: ${item.content_width.getData()}px;"> 
45						<h3 class="PromoCard-title font-serif font-bold text-2xl mb-6"> 
46							<#if item.redTextBeforeTitle.getData() != "" > 
47								<span class="text-red">${item.redTextBeforeTitle.getData()}</span> 
48							</#if> 
49							${item.getData()} 
50						</h3> 
51						${item.description.getData()} 
53						<#assign render_button = (item.button_link.getData() != "" || item.webform_label.getData() != "" || item.modal_label.getData() != "") && item.button_text.getData() != "" /> 
54						<#if render_button> 
55							<#assign web_form_overlay = "" /> 
56							<#assign link_opening="" /> 
57							<#assign modal_id = "" /> 
58							<#assign modal_trigger_class = "" /> 
59							<#assign link = "#" /> 
60							<#assign ff_custom_title_label = "" /> 
61							<#if item.link_opening_mode.getData()=="new_window"> 
62								<#assign link_opening="_blank"> 
63							</#if> 
65							<#if item.button_link.getData() != ""> 
66								<#assign link = item.button_link.getData() /> 
67							<#elseif item.webform_label.getData() != ""> 
68								<#assign webform_overlay_sufix = "'" /> 
69								<#assign web_form_overlay = "data-webform-overlay='" /> 
70								<#assign web_form_overlay = web_form_overlay + item.webform_label.getData() /> 
71								<#assign web_form_overlay = web_form_overlay + webform_overlay_sufix /> 
73							<#elseif item.modal_label.getData() != ""> 
74								<#assign modal_id_sufix = "'" /> 
75								<#assign modal_id = "data-modal='#" /> 
76								<#assign modal_id = modal_id + item.modal_label.getData() /> 
77								<#assign modal_id = modal_id + modal_id_sufix /> 
78								<#assign link = "#" /> 
79								<#assign modal_trigger_class = "js-modal-trigger" /> 
80								<#if item.ff_custom_title??> 
81									<#assign ff_custom_title_label = item.ff_custom_title.getData() /> 
82								</#if> 
83							</#if> 
84							<a href="${link}" target="${link_opening}" class="Button Button--primary has-icon font-bold ${modal_trigger_class}" ${modal_id} ${web_form_overlay} data-ff-custom-title="${ff_custom_title_label}" data-portlet-name="Promo card" data-button-text="${item.button_text.getData()}" data-button-link="${link}" data-button-type="primary" data-button-color="red" data-element-heading="${item.getData()}"> 
85								<span class="Button-label">${item.button_text.getData()}</span> 
86								<span class="Button-icon arrow"> 
87									<img inline-svg src="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/icons/arrow.svg"/> 
88								</span> 
89							</a> 
90						</#if> 
91					</div> 
92				</div> 
93			</#if> 
94		</#list> 
95	</div> 
99	$("#promoCard-${randomNamespace} .Button").on("click", function() { 
100			const portletName = $(this).data("portlet-name") ?? "Promo card"; 
101			const buttonText = $(this).data("button-text"); 
102			const elementHeading = $(this).data("element-heading"); 
103			const buttonColor = $(this).data("button-color"); 
104			const buttonType = $(this).data("button-type"); 
105			const buttonLink = $(this).data("button-link") ?? $(this).attr("href"); 
107			const promoCardData = { 
108				'event': 'interaction', 
109				'portlet_name': portletName, 
110				'button_text': buttonText, 
111				'button_color': buttonColor, 
112				'button_type': buttonType, 
113				'button_link': buttonLink, 
114				'element_heading': elementHeading 
117			window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; 
118			window.dataLayer.push(promoCardData); 
119	}) 
123<#function fetchCDNLink link> 
124	<#if !link?starts_with(themeDisplay.getCDNHost())> 
125		<#return (themeDisplay.getCDNHost() + link)> 
126	</#if> 
127	<#return link> 
An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> item.redTextBeforeTitle  [in template "10113#11634844#1227733766" at line 46, column 62]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #if item.redTextBeforeTitle.getData()...  [in template "10113#11634844#1227733766" at line 46, column 57]
1<#assign liferay_theme = PortletJspTagLibs["/META-INF/liferay-theme.tld"] /> 
2<#assign portlet  = PortletJspTagLibs["/META-INF/liferay-portlet.tld"] /> 
3<@liferay_theme["defineObjects"] /> 
4<@portlet["defineObjects"] /> 
5<#assign today = .now?string('yyyy-MM-dd')?date('yyyy-MM-dd') /> 
7<div class="container"> 
9	<div class="PromoCardWrapper py-16" id="promoCard-${randomNamespace}"> 
10		<#list title.getSiblings() as item> 
11			<#assign do_render = ((item.date_from.getData()?has_content)?then(today gte item.date_from.getData()?date('yyyy-MM-dd'), true)) && ((item.date_to.getData()?has_content)?then(today lte item.date_to.getData()?date('yyyy-MM-dd') ,true))> 
12			<#if do_render> 
13				<#assign card_reverse_class = "" /> 
14				<#if item.visual_view_side.getData() == "right" > 
15					<#assign card_reverse_class = "PromoCard--Reverse" /> 
16				</#if> 
18				<#assign promo_custom_class= "" /> 
19				<#if item.visual_width.getData() != "" || item.content_width.getData() != "" > 
20					<#assign promo_custom_class= "PromoCard--Custom" /> 
21				</#if> 
22				<div class="PromoCard PromoCard--Split ${promo_custom_class} ${card_reverse_class}"> 
23					<#assign has_video = item.video_embed.getData() != "" || item.video.getData() != "" /> 
24					<#assign has_picture = item.photo_desktop.getData() != "" || item.photo_mobile.getData() != "" /> 
25					<#if has_video || has_picture> 
26						<div class="PromoCard-Visual" style="width: ${item.visual_width.getData()}px;"> 
27							<#if has_video> 
28								<#if item.video_embed.getData() != "" > 
29									<iframe class="PromoCard-Visual-Element" src="${item.video_embed.getData()}" frameborder="0" 
30											allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" 
31											allowfullscreen></iframe> 
32								<#else> 
33									<video class="PromoCard-Visual-Element" loop="" autoplay="" playsinline="" muted="" 
34										   src="${item.video.getData()}"></video> 
35								</#if> 
36							<#else> 
37								<img class="PromoCard-Visual-Element d-none d-md-block" src="${fetchCDNLink(item.photo_desktop.getData())}" alt="${item.photo_title.getData()}" title="${item.photo_title.getData()}"> 
38								<img class="PromoCard-Visual-Element d-md-none" src="${fetchCDNLink(item.photo_mobile.getData())}" alt="${item.photo_title.getData()}"> 
39							</#if> 
41						</div> 
42					</#if> 
44					<div class="PromoCard-content Info-box p-8 bg-white" style="width: ${item.content_width.getData()}px;"> 
45						<h3 class="PromoCard-title font-serif font-bold text-2xl mb-6"> 
46							<#if item.redTextBeforeTitle.getData() != "" > 
47								<span class="text-red">${item.redTextBeforeTitle.getData()}</span> 
48							</#if> 
49							${item.getData()} 
50						</h3> 
51						${item.description.getData()} 
53						<#assign render_button = (item.button_link.getData() != "" || item.webform_label.getData() != "" || item.modal_label.getData() != "") && item.button_text.getData() != "" /> 
54						<#if render_button> 
55							<#assign web_form_overlay = "" /> 
56							<#assign link_opening="" /> 
57							<#assign modal_id = "" /> 
58							<#assign modal_trigger_class = "" /> 
59							<#assign link = "#" /> 
60							<#assign ff_custom_title_label = "" /> 
61							<#if item.link_opening_mode.getData()=="new_window"> 
62								<#assign link_opening="_blank"> 
63							</#if> 
65							<#if item.button_link.getData() != ""> 
66								<#assign link = item.button_link.getData() /> 
67							<#elseif item.webform_label.getData() != ""> 
68								<#assign webform_overlay_sufix = "'" /> 
69								<#assign web_form_overlay = "data-webform-overlay='" /> 
70								<#assign web_form_overlay = web_form_overlay + item.webform_label.getData() /> 
71								<#assign web_form_overlay = web_form_overlay + webform_overlay_sufix /> 
73							<#elseif item.modal_label.getData() != ""> 
74								<#assign modal_id_sufix = "'" /> 
75								<#assign modal_id = "data-modal='#" /> 
76								<#assign modal_id = modal_id + item.modal_label.getData() /> 
77								<#assign modal_id = modal_id + modal_id_sufix /> 
78								<#assign link = "#" /> 
79								<#assign modal_trigger_class = "js-modal-trigger" /> 
80								<#if item.ff_custom_title??> 
81									<#assign ff_custom_title_label = item.ff_custom_title.getData() /> 
82								</#if> 
83							</#if> 
84							<a href="${link}" target="${link_opening}" class="Button Button--primary has-icon font-bold ${modal_trigger_class}" ${modal_id} ${web_form_overlay} data-ff-custom-title="${ff_custom_title_label}" data-portlet-name="Promo card" data-button-text="${item.button_text.getData()}" data-button-link="${link}" data-button-type="primary" data-button-color="red" data-element-heading="${item.getData()}"> 
85								<span class="Button-label">${item.button_text.getData()}</span> 
86								<span class="Button-icon arrow"> 
87									<img inline-svg src="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/icons/arrow.svg"/> 
88								</span> 
89							</a> 
90						</#if> 
91					</div> 
92				</div> 
93			</#if> 
94		</#list> 
95	</div> 
99	$("#promoCard-${randomNamespace} .Button").on("click", function() { 
100			const portletName = $(this).data("portlet-name") ?? "Promo card"; 
101			const buttonText = $(this).data("button-text"); 
102			const elementHeading = $(this).data("element-heading"); 
103			const buttonColor = $(this).data("button-color"); 
104			const buttonType = $(this).data("button-type"); 
105			const buttonLink = $(this).data("button-link") ?? $(this).attr("href"); 
107			const promoCardData = { 
108				'event': 'interaction', 
109				'portlet_name': portletName, 
110				'button_text': buttonText, 
111				'button_color': buttonColor, 
112				'button_type': buttonType, 
113				'button_link': buttonLink, 
114				'element_heading': elementHeading 
117			window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; 
118			window.dataLayer.push(promoCardData); 
119	}) 
123<#function fetchCDNLink link> 
124	<#if !link?starts_with(themeDisplay.getCDNHost())> 
125		<#return (themeDisplay.getCDNHost() + link)> 
126	</#if> 
127	<#return link> 
An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> item.redTextBeforeTitle  [in template "10113#11634844#1227733766" at line 46, column 62]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #if item.redTextBeforeTitle.getData()...  [in template "10113#11634844#1227733766" at line 46, column 57]
1<#assign liferay_theme = PortletJspTagLibs["/META-INF/liferay-theme.tld"] /> 
2<#assign portlet  = PortletJspTagLibs["/META-INF/liferay-portlet.tld"] /> 
3<@liferay_theme["defineObjects"] /> 
4<@portlet["defineObjects"] /> 
5<#assign today = .now?string('yyyy-MM-dd')?date('yyyy-MM-dd') /> 
7<div class="container"> 
9	<div class="PromoCardWrapper py-16" id="promoCard-${randomNamespace}"> 
10		<#list title.getSiblings() as item> 
11			<#assign do_render = ((item.date_from.getData()?has_content)?then(today gte item.date_from.getData()?date('yyyy-MM-dd'), true)) && ((item.date_to.getData()?has_content)?then(today lte item.date_to.getData()?date('yyyy-MM-dd') ,true))> 
12			<#if do_render> 
13				<#assign card_reverse_class = "" /> 
14				<#if item.visual_view_side.getData() == "right" > 
15					<#assign card_reverse_class = "PromoCard--Reverse" /> 
16				</#if> 
18				<#assign promo_custom_class= "" /> 
19				<#if item.visual_width.getData() != "" || item.content_width.getData() != "" > 
20					<#assign promo_custom_class= "PromoCard--Custom" /> 
21				</#if> 
22				<div class="PromoCard PromoCard--Split ${promo_custom_class} ${card_reverse_class}"> 
23					<#assign has_video = item.video_embed.getData() != "" || item.video.getData() != "" /> 
24					<#assign has_picture = item.photo_desktop.getData() != "" || item.photo_mobile.getData() != "" /> 
25					<#if has_video || has_picture> 
26						<div class="PromoCard-Visual" style="width: ${item.visual_width.getData()}px;"> 
27							<#if has_video> 
28								<#if item.video_embed.getData() != "" > 
29									<iframe class="PromoCard-Visual-Element" src="${item.video_embed.getData()}" frameborder="0" 
30											allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" 
31											allowfullscreen></iframe> 
32								<#else> 
33									<video class="PromoCard-Visual-Element" loop="" autoplay="" playsinline="" muted="" 
34										   src="${item.video.getData()}"></video> 
35								</#if> 
36							<#else> 
37								<img class="PromoCard-Visual-Element d-none d-md-block" src="${fetchCDNLink(item.photo_desktop.getData())}" alt="${item.photo_title.getData()}" title="${item.photo_title.getData()}"> 
38								<img class="PromoCard-Visual-Element d-md-none" src="${fetchCDNLink(item.photo_mobile.getData())}" alt="${item.photo_title.getData()}"> 
39							</#if> 
41						</div> 
42					</#if> 
44					<div class="PromoCard-content Info-box p-8 bg-white" style="width: ${item.content_width.getData()}px;"> 
45						<h3 class="PromoCard-title font-serif font-bold text-2xl mb-6"> 
46							<#if item.redTextBeforeTitle.getData() != "" > 
47								<span class="text-red">${item.redTextBeforeTitle.getData()}</span> 
48							</#if> 
49							${item.getData()} 
50						</h3> 
51						${item.description.getData()} 
53						<#assign render_button = (item.button_link.getData() != "" || item.webform_label.getData() != "" || item.modal_label.getData() != "") && item.button_text.getData() != "" /> 
54						<#if render_button> 
55							<#assign web_form_overlay = "" /> 
56							<#assign link_opening="" /> 
57							<#assign modal_id = "" /> 
58							<#assign modal_trigger_class = "" /> 
59							<#assign link = "#" /> 
60							<#assign ff_custom_title_label = "" /> 
61							<#if item.link_opening_mode.getData()=="new_window"> 
62								<#assign link_opening="_blank"> 
63							</#if> 
65							<#if item.button_link.getData() != ""> 
66								<#assign link = item.button_link.getData() /> 
67							<#elseif item.webform_label.getData() != ""> 
68								<#assign webform_overlay_sufix = "'" /> 
69								<#assign web_form_overlay = "data-webform-overlay='" /> 
70								<#assign web_form_overlay = web_form_overlay + item.webform_label.getData() /> 
71								<#assign web_form_overlay = web_form_overlay + webform_overlay_sufix /> 
73							<#elseif item.modal_label.getData() != ""> 
74								<#assign modal_id_sufix = "'" /> 
75								<#assign modal_id = "data-modal='#" /> 
76								<#assign modal_id = modal_id + item.modal_label.getData() /> 
77								<#assign modal_id = modal_id + modal_id_sufix /> 
78								<#assign link = "#" /> 
79								<#assign modal_trigger_class = "js-modal-trigger" /> 
80								<#if item.ff_custom_title??> 
81									<#assign ff_custom_title_label = item.ff_custom_title.getData() /> 
82								</#if> 
83							</#if> 
84							<a href="${link}" target="${link_opening}" class="Button Button--primary has-icon font-bold ${modal_trigger_class}" ${modal_id} ${web_form_overlay} data-ff-custom-title="${ff_custom_title_label}" data-portlet-name="Promo card" data-button-text="${item.button_text.getData()}" data-button-link="${link}" data-button-type="primary" data-button-color="red" data-element-heading="${item.getData()}"> 
85								<span class="Button-label">${item.button_text.getData()}</span> 
86								<span class="Button-icon arrow"> 
87									<img inline-svg src="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/icons/arrow.svg"/> 
88								</span> 
89							</a> 
90						</#if> 
91					</div> 
92				</div> 
93			</#if> 
94		</#list> 
95	</div> 
99	$("#promoCard-${randomNamespace} .Button").on("click", function() { 
100			const portletName = $(this).data("portlet-name") ?? "Promo card"; 
101			const buttonText = $(this).data("button-text"); 
102			const elementHeading = $(this).data("element-heading"); 
103			const buttonColor = $(this).data("button-color"); 
104			const buttonType = $(this).data("button-type"); 
105			const buttonLink = $(this).data("button-link") ?? $(this).attr("href"); 
107			const promoCardData = { 
108				'event': 'interaction', 
109				'portlet_name': portletName, 
110				'button_text': buttonText, 
111				'button_color': buttonColor, 
112				'button_type': buttonType, 
113				'button_link': buttonLink, 
114				'element_heading': elementHeading 
117			window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; 
118			window.dataLayer.push(promoCardData); 
119	}) 
123<#function fetchCDNLink link> 
124	<#if !link?starts_with(themeDisplay.getCDNHost())> 
125		<#return (themeDisplay.getCDNHost() + link)> 
126	</#if> 
127	<#return link> 